Poor sleep quality - Renew Hormone Clinic

What is Poor Sleep Quality?

Poor sleep quality refers to sleep that is insufficient or disrupted in some way, preventing us from getting the restorative rest we need. Some key signs of poor sleep quality include:

Difficulty falling asleep: Tossing and turning for 30 minutes or longer before drifting off.

Frequent awakenings: Waking up several times throughout the night and having trouble going back to sleep.

Non-restorative sleep: Waking up feeling tired, groggy, and unrested, even after getting enough total hours of sleep.

Daytime fatigue and sleepiness: Feeling very sleepy, having low energy, and needing naps despite adequate time in bed.

There are many potential causes of poor sleep, including:

The impacts of poor sleep are wide-ranging. Not getting enough quality sleep on a regular basis has been linked to:

Improving sleep quality is crucial for overall health and well-being. Some helpful tips include:

The consequences of poor sleep are too significant to ignore. Prioritizing healthy sleep should be a key component of maintaining mental and physical health. What steps can you take tonight for better sleep? Even small improvements to your sleep habits can pay big dividends.

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