What is Loss of Muscle Mass?
Loss of muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink and the overall muscle tissue decreases. This leads to loss of strength, endurance, and functionality of the affected muscles.
Some key points about loss of muscle mass:
- It can happen due to lack of physical activity, malnutrition, aging, illnesses, or injury. Prolonged inactivity is a major cause.
- The medical term is sarcopenia, which refers to age-related muscle loss that begins in the 30s.
- Muscle loss leads to fatigue, weakness, higher risk of injury, slower metabolism, and increased frailty.
- Strength training and proper nutrition, with enough protein intake, are vital for preventing and reversing loss of muscle mass.
Now you may wonder - how can we prevent muscle loss from happening? Here are some tips:
- Exercise regularly, especially strength training. This stimulates muscle protein synthesis and builds lean muscle mass. Aim for 2-3 sessions per week.
- Eat enough protein - about 0.5 grams per pound of body weight per day. Good protein sources include meat, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, lentils, and soy.
- Avoid prolonged inactivity. Take movement breaks, stretch, or do light exercise periodically if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
- Manage chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, which can accelerate muscle loss. Follow medical advice.
- Include vitamin D and antioxidant-rich colorful fruits and veggies in your meals. They fight inflammation and oxidative damage.
The takeaway is that muscle atrophy can severely impact quality of life and independence. But we can fend it off by staying active, eating nutritious protein-rich foods, and managing illnesses diligently. Maintaining our lean muscle should be a lifelong priority.
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